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🍅High Yield Tomatoes Seeds🍅
🔥Hot Sale🔥High Yield Tomatoes Seeds🍅
🔥Hot Sale🔥High Yield Tomatoes Seeds🍅
🍅High Yield Tomatoes Seeds🍅
🍅High Yield Tomatoes Seeds🍅
🍅High Yield Tomatoes Seeds🍅
🍅High Yield Tomatoes Seeds🍅
🍅High Yield Tomatoes Seeds🍅
🍅High Yield Tomatoes Seeds🍅
🔥Hot Sale🔥High Yield Tomatoes Seeds🍅
🔥Hot Sale🔥High Yield Tomatoes Seeds🍅
🍅High Yield Tomatoes Seeds🍅
🍅High Yield Tomatoes Seeds🍅
🍅High Yield Tomatoes Seeds🍅
🍅High Yield Tomatoes Seeds🍅
🍅High Yield Tomatoes Seeds🍅
🍅High Yield Tomatoes Seeds🍅
🔥Hot Sale🔥High Yield Tomatoes Seeds🍅
🔥Hot Sale🔥High Yield Tomatoes Seeds🍅
🍅High Yield Tomatoes Seeds🍅
🍅High Yield Tomatoes Seeds🍅
🍅High Yield Tomatoes Seeds🍅
🍅High Yield Tomatoes Seeds🍅
🍅High Yield Tomatoes Seeds🍅

🔥Hot Sale🔥High Yield Tomatoes Seeds🍅

$9.99 USD $5.99 USD 40% OFF
Tomato Red Banana Seeds
Waterfall Tomatoes Seeds
Sungold Cherry Tomato Seeds
Black Beauty Tomatoes Seeds
Lucid Gem Tomato Seeds
50 Seeds
100 Seeds
200 Seeds
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$5.99 USD each

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Colorful and flavorful mix of our favorite

Open pollinated blend of the full flavored tomatoes.
We have chosen these varieties from many summer taste tests.
Our customers from all over the world have passed on their best of the best.
We have created this blend for home gardeners and chefs.

We proudly present this unique tomato variety, bringing juicy goodness and picturesque beauty to your table.
🍅 Cascading Harvest 🍅

New varieties of vegetables, Indeterminate tomatoes, Strong growth potential, 6-8 fruits per string, ripe red fruit.
Rod-shaped fruit, about 12cm long, 3.5cm in diameter, fruit weight about 150g.
Good taste, can be harvested clusters, disease resistance, high yield, storage and transportation, adaptability, regions of the country suitable for planting tomatoes.

Clustered Tomatoes grow multiple fruits tightly on a single stem, resembling a waterfall. Enjoy an abundant harvest with ease.

🍅Grow your own vegetables with these Sungold Tomato Seeds.

Highlights:Indeterminate. Great "tomatoey" flavor and very sweet, an 8 on the brix scale. Fruits are nearly 1 inch round globes which turn a very attractive golden orange when ripe. Productive vines provide very high yields. A customer favorite! 

🍅Black Beauty Tomatoes, a treasure of the tomato family, derives its name from its distinctive red-black coloration both on the skin and the flesh. This versatile fruit boasts a delightful blend of fruity aroma, balanced sweetness, and tanginess, making it a delectable treat.

Is it new? No, it isn'! Strange though it may seem, people have been eating black tomatoes for more than a century. You will never look back! Plus, that black colour indicates a heavy load of natural antioxidants to add to the nutritional boost you get from eating your own home-grown tomatoes.

🌱 Simple Cultivation 🌱

Whether you're a novice gardener or an experienced grower, Clustered Tomatoes seeds help you achieve high-quality yields without the fuss.

How to Grow Tomatoes

Step 1: Timing

Start indoors in early spring over bottom heat. When seedlings germinate, remove from the heat and grow under bright lights. Grow seedlings on for 6-8 weeks at around 10°C (50°F). Early season tomatoes can be planted out once night time temperatures are reliably above 7°C (45°F) - or later. Other types should be transplanted out when night time lows are 10°C (50°F) or warmer - or later. Optimal soil temperature for germination: 25-35°C (68-95°F). With bottom heat seeds should germinate in 7-14 days.

Step 2: Starting

Sow seeds 5mm-1cm (¼-½”) deep. Keep seedlings under very bright light to prevent legginess. You may have to pot on seedlings more than once before they go out to allow for root growth. Space bush (determinate) transplants 45-60cm (18-24″) apart and vine (indeterminate) types 50-75cm (20-30″) apart in rows 1m (3′) apart.

Step 3: Growing

Ideal pH: 6.0-6.8.

Tomatoes like fertile, well drained soil that is rich in organic matter. Dig in finished compost and manure, and add 1 cup balanced organic fertilizer beneath each transplant. The nutrition from heavy clay soils is excellent for tomatoes, but they are slow to warm, so transplanting should be done later. By the same token, lighter soils warm more quickly, so transplants can go out sooner. Adding glacial rock dust will supply all the calcium they will need. Regular watering is vital, but don’t let the plants sit in water. Tomatoes are tropical plants so they require full sun and lots of heat. Vine varieties will require some kind of support such as a wire to grow up, or a trellis to be tied to as the plant grows. Bush types benefit from the support of a tomato cage in order to prevent sprawling. At the time of final transplant, plants can be buried up to their first pair of true leaves. This will encourage greater root growth, helping with both nutrient uptake and the plants’ ability to stand up to dry conditions.
Stop watering around the end of July to encourage the fruit to ripen. If tomato plants are grown under cover, you can encourage pollination and fruit set by tapping the stem from time to time. Tomatoes do not rely on insects for pollination. Vibrating the plant shakes pollen loose within the flowers, which then self-pollinate.

Indeterminate tomatoes continue to grow and produce fruit until they are killed by frost. Remove any suckers (stems growing from the crotch of leaves) to keep the foliage under control, and they will set a later crop of larger fruit. Determinate varieties normally set fruit in a concentrated time period. Their suckers are not normally removed, though some trimming helps with ventilation.

Step 4: Germination

Days to Maturity: From transplant date.

At least 75% of seeds will germinate in optimal conditions. Usual seed life: 3 years.

Step 5: Harvest

Harvest when the fruit is the desired colour. Green tomatoes can be ripened indoors at a cool temperature when they are blemish free. Very dark green tomatoes are unlikely to ripen fully.

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